I love gardens; neat formal ones, tiny messy overplanted ones, and everything in between! My first garden was created as a happy place away from a busy lifestyle and a way to keep an eye on my little one; rather than just sit while she played, I became a gardener. Baby #2 came along and it became necessary to build a fence around the yard and to NEVER take my eyes off him! It’s there on my knees, with dirt under my nails, that I learned to pray for my family, the neighborhood, and to list my joys!
I knew nothing about gardening when I started, but I was eager to learn. Forty-four years later, the babies are grown, and my garden has grown from a postage stamp to ten acres that includes a memorial garden, an orchard, a veggie garden, and a Koi pond. I’ve never tired of the happiness I find in the garden. No nursery is safe from me. There will always be a new plant I have to have. My family teases me saying I adopt every lonely flower, tree or bush I find along my way.
It’s during my time in the garden that I learned my most precious seeds of wisdom and the countless stories “Lessons From the Garden” came to life. I can’t wait to share all I’ve learned. Come sit in my garden and let’s talk!
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